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Showing posts from December, 2015

Questions and Answers

Common questions that people ask us. Q: what do i need to wear? A: a t shirt (not black preferably as it could stain the mats) and shorts (no zipper and buttons). Later on, you will need to buy a uniform call a gi. You can purchase good quality gi from Auckland Martial Arts Supplies in Queen street. Q: what color gi can i wear? A: you can wear any color gi. But if you want to also attend the Judo classes (which are free to our members), you need to wear a white gi. We might want to invest into a judo gi later on. Q: do you teach nogi? A: yes. We teach nogi on thursday during spring and summer. Then we go back gi training after the NZ Grappler Nogi Nationals in March. Q: do you have a beginners class? A: no. However, we do split the class into 2 group: beginner and advanced. As we have 2 black belt instructors on the mats, one instructor will teach the beginner program. Q: do you have a teaching program? A: yes. We teach a program based on positions and actions of 12 wee...

Last week of training

Tuesday 15 December: GI Thursday 17 December: NOGI Then, we will be closed for 2 weeks. We are back on Tuesday 5 January 2016. If you to try out our classes, come down for a free class. Just wear a t shirt (light color) / rash guard and shorts. First class is Free. Our weekly fees is $20. No Contract. All levels (including beginners) welcome. For more details

Training report: Mount

This week, we covered mount escapes and arm bars from mount. Tuesday was gi and Thursday was nogi. We will have attend the open mats at city kickboxing on Saturday from 10 am. X-mas party at Stu house on Sunday from 1 pm: pizzas and UFC. Next week topic will be the back position.

Feedback required

We would like to thank you for the support through the year. Without you, we would not have a club, As we conclude another exciting year and we need to plan the next year training program, we need feedback from our members. We listened to the last year feedback and tuned up our training program accordingly. Please let us know if you have any suggestions.

Training Plan

Topic for the week

Topic for the week is mount. Mount retention. Mount escapes. Mount submissions. S mount. Situational rolling from mount. See you on the mats.

Pk teaching wrestling at auckland bjj

Pavel PK visited us on Thursday and did a wrestling class to help prepare for the NZ grappler Nationals Nogi in March 2016.

X mas Break

The club will close for 2 weeks. Last official class is Thursday 17 December 2015. First Official class is Tuesday 5 January 2016. Thank you for the support.

Plans for this week end.

10 am on Saturday: Open mats at City Kickboxing. 1 PM on Saturday: Sensei Rick Birthday and Judo Comp at the Dojo.

2016 Competitions Dates

To be confirmed next year.