To conclude semester one, we will have graduation on Tuesday 5 July. Usually we try to have graduation in June and in December. The reason for the delay for this semester is that Stu is coming back in July from Japan. Traditionally, mid year graduation does not that many students being promoted to the next belts. Not sure why! What to expect: We try to do not waste too much training time and it just happens during a normal class. Instead of having a technical class where the instructor teaches the topic of the week, the students will just demonstrate their favorite moves. Now, this is NOT an exam. It is their chance to show off their skills in front of your peers. The decision is already made by the instructors once we advised you that you are due to move to your next belt. For the students that are not moving to the next belt, you will receive a stripe. This is what the black tab is for, you can receive up to 4 stripes. So usually, you get 4 stripes after 2 yea...