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Showing posts from November, 2016

Training repor: the turtle possition

This is the last position that we taught in our program. The reason is turtle position is a weaker position compare to the other positions. While it is convenient to turtle in order to give up a guard pass points which is 3 points, your opponent still scores an advantage. Also, any "sweeps" from turtle is NOT a sweep. But it is a reversal as turtle is not considered a guard. You do NOT get 2 points for turle. This week we covered, fundamentals of turtle, reversal from turtle, clock choke, banana split and back take from Turtle.

Topic for the week: turtle

Position of the week: turtle. Fundamentals, reversals, back take, submissions like clock choke, anaconda, darce choke. Pizzas are not included. You will have to come to our Xmas party on the 4 December for that. See you on the mats.

Training report: half guard sweep and blue belt exam training

Half guard is most probably the most under rated position on our teaching program. While it give 2 points for a sweep and it is a good option of avoiding your guard pass. It is the last position we teach before the turtle. However, we still teach it 4 weeks per year. At the same time, we split the class the class in a different manner. Usually, we have beginners and advanced classes. We are making an exception as Serge took the students that are grading to blue belts for a more private class to ensure that everything is fine tune just like a swiss watch. Thank your for the support and see you on the mats.

Training report: Serge goes to Judo

Our sister club Auckland University Judo Club where we teach BJJ on Tuesday and Thursday has a class on Saturday at 11 am and finished around 12.30 pm. Ben has been teaching the Saturday for the past 6 months and has program of techniques which he advertise and promote on his Facebook group. The topic for today was exactly what I wanted to learn: Throw defense and a counter throw. Ben also taught 4 grip breaking techniques which exactly what I need. He continued the class with 3 chokes as well. For sparring,we started from Ne Waza which I think is good instead of doing Tachi Waza first. To be honest I felt a bit bad that I wore my BJJ gi which terribly tight fitting and unfair compare the Judo gi that others wore (which are more baggy). Maybe I will borrow one from Stu or buy one. Overall, a bunch of good guys and excellent teaching. I shall go back. Judo class are free for the Auckland BJJ...

Training report: half guard pass

The half guard position is the position we spent the most time teaching during the year. We teach top half guard for 4 weeks and another 4 weeks of bottom half guard through the year. It is a total of 8 weeks. This week is top half guard also known as guard passes. Question: why do we teach half guard pass first? Answer: Because it is 3 points and half guard sweep is only 2 points. Our graduation is on Tuesday 6 December during our normal class. We do not have to fly an overseas instructor to promote our students or run expansive seminars along with our graduation. We will be grading 4 blue belts (including our first female blue belt). The grading fee is $50 which include a certificate and a blue belt. The fees will go into our funds for our club x mas party which will be held on Sunday 4 December. Also, we are still looking to complete our team of 5 competitors to attend Sensei Rick Littlewood Judo Inter Club / birthday bash- BBQ.

The club is now 5 years old

We started in 8/11/2016. Look out for the big change next year. Thank you for the support.

Congrats to Mr Chen

Mr Chen has received his 4th stripes on his blue belt. He is 52 years old and never miss a class. Well done.

Sunday 4 December

Tuesday 6 December


Francesco is going back to Italy for work. We have now an opening to take a new white belt. Send us an email or just turn up for training. Safe travel and best luck on your new job Francesco.

Training report: Sweep

This week, we covered sweeps for the last time for the year. It scores 2 points if you complete the sweep and control the person on top. Our usual gi training on Tuesday which seems a lot more popular than Nogi class on Thursday. It could be a sign that our club members are more interested in training GI or they have better things to do a Thursday.

You cannot teach heart

At Auckland BJJ, we do not like to talk about injuries that happens during training. We understand that it will happen on occasions as it is a contact sport. My hat to Luiz that end up up in the E.R on Tuesday night after dislocating his finger. Lucky it was just a dislocation and not a fracture. Luiz was back on Thursday night watching training.