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Showing posts from December, 2017

Foresight on Year 2018

To start, I would like to wish a merry X-mas and and an happy new year to our readers, students and our supporters. I know it sounds cliche but it seems that every year is better than the last year. We have a great team and enjoy a real friendly camaderie. The end of a semester and of the year is always an exciting moment as we take time to reflect on the past year, get feedback and suggestions in order to create the next training program for the following semester. It is actually a very simple task to do once you write down the days we teach and the dates of available competitions. At the moment, we just follow the NZ grappler competition dates available in Auckland as we have no intention to travel across the country to attend smaller events. There were some events that attracted us this year but unfortunately most of them decided to not follow IBJJF competitions rules and allow things like knee reaping and dangerous leg lock. So we will start training on Tuesday 09 Janu...

Training report: Guard submissions and Single leg X gaurd

Last week, Stu taught the trinity of the guard subs which are Triangle, arm bar and omoplata in the fundamental Tuesday class. Serge covered 2 entries to single X guard: one for shin to shin guard and one from a standing leg takedown. On Thursday night, Stu continued on the single leg X guard topic by adding a guard pass and also taught a knee bar from the kiss of the dragon move from reverse de la riva. Serge covered some more fundamental arm bar, arm bar defense, cross choke and cross choke defense. Please note that we no longer have BJJ Saturday class. Please note that last class for the year is Thursday 21 December 2017. We will restart on Tuesday 09 January 2018. Thank you for the support.

2018 NZ Grappler Time table

As usual, we base our teaching program on the type of competition format and their dates available in our area. So next year, we will still train nogi on Tuesday to prepare for the NOGI Nationals held on the Saturday 07 April 2018 in Auckland by NZ grappler That will also mark the end of our nogi season as we will start training gi on-wards to prepare for the Gi Regional which will be held on Saturday 12 May 2018 in Auckland by NZ grappler. We will have our graduation for semester 1 on the first week of June. The competitions for semester 2 will be the National BJJ GI on Saturday 11 August 2018 and  BJJ NOGI on Saturday 13 October 2018.

BJJ Saturday classes are cancelled from now on

We are stopping the Saturday classes from now on-wards. You can still attend the Judo class on Saturday.

Training report: Graduation 2017

Traditionally, we host graduation on the first week of December. It is usually held during a normal class which falls on Thursday as it is a Gi class. We will also have our X-mas party at Stu house where we will make some wood fire pizza and eat about 10 kilos of oysters. Beer and Kava will also be provided. In our club, graduation is very simple. The graduates demonstrate a couple of techniques. It is not a test but more an opportunity to show off their skills and put them on the front stage so to speak. Then we have open mats for sparring for about 45 minutes. Of course, we complete the ceremony with giving belts and stripes. Oh, I forgot the pizzas, garlic bread and chips ordered from Domino pizzas and the beers. Overall, good fun at the club.