We offer a mixed class of 2 hours from Mondays to Fridays. 6.00-6.30 The first 30 minutes consists off 30 mintures of light warm up, drills and stretches. We are not strict on ponctuality as we all understand that everyone has to work, commute etc.. If you are late, just jump in the mats and do your own quick warm up if required. Always say hi to the instructor as you join the group. 6.30-6.50 Topic of the week. Class can be split into advance and fundamentals if required 6.50 to 7.00 Situational rolling (sparring) from the topic of the week. 7-8 pm. Couple of rounds of takedowns also known as Tachi-waza then the rest of the class is spend on rolling (sparring) aka ne-waza. Spring & Summer We tend to have more nogi classes. Gi: Mondays and Thursday Nogi: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Friday Nogi class tends to be more advanced and you would be expected to have some basic knowledges. Saturday Morning Sparring is from 10-12. Also known as open mats because there is no ...