Mariste got one of her drawing stolen by Keiko Raca Brand. As per her FB status. I would like to thank all the persons who are taking time to write me a message to tell me anytime they see my artworks been used by others without respecting the copyright ... or by taking the credit of my work. Concerning what happened with KeiKo Raça, it’s too late already [song “it’s too laaaate to apologiiiize ~TOO LAAAAAAAATE !!! ], coz the illustration with their logo on it get so popular on the internet that when I realizd what happened, thousands of people already liked it and shared it known as a “Keiko Raça’s product …”. I just don’t get it how a company that its selling itself has being so reliable can just stole the work of someone like that and consider itself as above copyright rules. I mean, I am currently working with the communication team of an international company and I know that anything that will be posted on their social networks will always be double che...