at http://www.hellerwork.net.nz/
The reason for the need for treatment why I had chronic back pain since I was a purple belt.
The result is extraordinary and I suggest anyone to give it try.
My back pain is gone but also I can fell massive improvement on overall fitness.
I was diagnosed with uneven hips by my gp doctor but no physio could fix it.
My feet are straight.
I have a bunion on my left foot and duck walked since I was a child.
The duck walk meant my hips were not freed and my spine was locked.
Now I am walking straight and properly (no longer on my heels).
It means my hips and spine are free which released lot of the back problems.
The interesting part was that the first 4 sessions did not focus on my back issues but solved it indirectly.
It covered the feet, legs, pelvis, shoulders and the cage.
The reason is that Structural Integration works on the whole body and fix the causes of the problem instead of a quick and short lived fix.
Also, my back is a lot straighter. I had to readjust my mirrors and seat in the car.
What is Hellerwork?
Hellerwork Structural Integration is a unique and transformative work based on the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit and the assumption that every person is innately healthy.
It is a powerful system of somatic education and structural integration bodywork designed to realign our bodies and movement in gravity. Working with the body fascia increases the availability of health, energy, flexibility, and self expression.
The 11-session series changes your relationship with your body and your experience of being alive. Completing the series is optimal; single sessions are also an option.
What is fascia?
Fascia is soft connective tissue located just below the skin. It wraps and connects the muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels of the body. Together, muscle and fascia make up what is called the myofascia system.
Our fascial system can be seen as as multi-layer body stocking, wrapping muscles throughout the body. In best condition, fascia is loose and moist tissue, facilitating movement and balance.
Under continual stress or lack of movement, fascia becomes rigid, loses fluidity, and its layers begin to stick to one another, The resulting stiffness or restricted movement is often associated with muscle, but it's connective tissue that accumulates much of this stress."
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