BJJ is hard and difficult and no matter what we do to make easier to the public, it takes it toll on your
Sometimes,it is not your fault.
Accident happens no matter what safety guideline we put.
Accident happens no matter what safety guideline we put.
As we graduate students every 6 months, I can only recall the first stripe and my last stripe I received.
My first stripe actually was within 6 months, I got badly injured and my instructor told me to seek medical help even thought I was eager to train.
I got better and came back for training.
Then I received my first stripe which I did not feel I deserved.
But the idea was to reward the tenacity which is the trait I look into students and encourage.
Train smart, do not quit and if you are injured, get better.
But please let your training partners of your current injuries so you can make a easy recovery into training.
Thanks for the support.
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