From her website
Black belt Jess Fraser is the creator and driving force behind Australian Girls in Gi (AGIG). She is fiercely proud to be the leader of this groundbreaking group which is currently, & forever will be, club and affiliate neutral.
Jess recognises the need for cultivating an all inclusive culture and community to proactively effect the retention and growth of participation levels within our sport, particularly in regard to females athletes. Through AGIG, Jess has proactively worked on this goal, focusing on fostering community development and cultural change, large scale female focused events, online and hands-on member support, and technical development camps with great result since 2010.
In the past 7 years, Jess has not only excelled as a competitor (representing Australia 3 times in Abu Dhabi, medalling twice in those appearances, as well as bringing home a silver medal from the World Championships in LA) she has also worked tirelessly in her contribution to the community. She has created and managed over 40 competitions (small to large scale), as well as running the largest female only events currently held in the world (last attendance for 3 day camp was 135+ women), all while moderating and managing the vast AGIG community.
She continues to support and inspire women throughout Australasia daily via the online AGIG community, with a membership base of over 1200 female athletes as well as in person at female centric events, seminars and training sessions.
If you have not yet met her, she’s probably most keen to meet you where she’s at her best – in a gi and on the mats."
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