Introduction: Basic theory
- Play your game, not someone else's game (a.k.a don't punch)
- 4 prerequisites of a strong punch and how to deny them:
- Distance (feasibility)
- Freedom of movement (feasibility)
- Multiple muscle group (power delivery)
- Body mass (power delivery)
- Standing or rolling, the one who controls the distance controls the outcome of the fight
Part 1: Stand up fight
- Requires gloves and protection to avoid injuries
- Basic punch blocks
- Punches to the head (bracing for impact)
- Taking kicks and groin protection
Shooting in
- Either all the way in or all the way out, get close and stay close
- common mistakes (stopping in the middle, back our, Judo throw stalling etc.)
- "Aggressive" opponent - Combative technique
- 'Hesitant" opponent - Combative technique
- Haymaker - Combative technique
Transition to the ground
- Basic takedown from the shoot, followed by a basic pass. Main point is to stay close
- Defending a head lock - Combative technique
Part 2: On the ground
- Recognizing 4 prerequisites on the ground and dealing with them.
- Staying close (passes and from the back - beware of head movement)
- Combative techniques - Stage 1-5 (from holding close to a small distance)
- Lots of practice
Serjiy will be teaching this program on Saturday 29/10/22 from AM to our students.
We are planning to host a self defense class open the community on a monthly basis in the future.
Please send an email if you are interested.
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