If the opponent pulls closed guard and remains suspended in the air, the athlete will have to put the opponent’s back on the ground within 3 (three) seconds and stabilize the top position for 3 (three) seconds to be awarded with Takedown points.
Finally, guard jumpers are going to lose 2 points if they get return on the ground within 3 seconds.
Guard jumping is only applicable for sport BJJ and is now discouraged by the loss of 2 points.
Time to learn how to throw or pull guard (drag the person to ground) instead of hugging like koala on a tree.
Also, lot of injuries from jumping guard as well will be prevented.
If the opponent pulls closed guard and remains suspended in the air, the athlete will have to put the opponent’s back on the ground within 3 (three) seconds and stabilize the top position for 3 (three) seconds to be awarded with Takedown points.
Finally, guard jumpers are going to lose 2 points if they get return on the ground within 3 seconds.
Guard jumping is only applicable for sport BJJ and is now discouraged by the loss of 2 points.
Time to learn how to throw or pull guard (drag the person to ground) instead of hugging like koala on a tree.
Also, lot of injuries from jumping guard as well will be prevented.
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