The advantage of having a training program is that you can change when you want to.
We cover North South position 4 weeks per year.
This week, I decided to stray from this particular topic and choose to introduce a new topic: the kimura trap.
While I choose to teach a program based on position and actions.
I think the next step is too look at specific technique and how they can apply on different position.
The kimura trap is a great way to introduce this new way of looking and teaching grappling.
We did the usual triology of the takedown sequence which I introduced about 1 month ago: head snap down, arm drag and single leg takedown.
I added a Kimura trap as a counter from a single leg takedow attempt.
Then I taught a Kimura guard pass from top half guard pass.
Situational rolling from 1/2 guard
Couple of rounds of Tachi waza which takedown sparring
The training concluded with our usual 1 hour rolling that we do every Tuesday.
We did rounds of 7 minutes due to the amount of people.
Next week topic will be guard subs.
Please note that every Thursday will be Nogi.
Also, the club will refund half of your entry fee if you want to compete at the Regional Nogi NZ grappling competition which you can already sign up for.
"NZ Grappler’s 2015 NO GI REGIONALS AUCKLAND Tournament will be held Saturday 7th November 2015 at the North Shore Event Centre in North Shore Auckland. Both adults and kids will compete on the same day. Brackets will be run as double elimination, including Masters divisions! Early registration fee is $50 for kids, and $60 for adults. 1st place winners from the BJJ GI NATIONALS will receive $10 discount off this tournament registration if they apply promo code “winner” on their online registration."
We cover North South position 4 weeks per year.
This week, I decided to stray from this particular topic and choose to introduce a new topic: the kimura trap.
While I choose to teach a program based on position and actions.
I think the next step is too look at specific technique and how they can apply on different position.
The kimura trap is a great way to introduce this new way of looking and teaching grappling.
We did the usual triology of the takedown sequence which I introduced about 1 month ago: head snap down, arm drag and single leg takedown.
I added a Kimura trap as a counter from a single leg takedow attempt.
Then I taught a Kimura guard pass from top half guard pass.
Situational rolling from 1/2 guard
Couple of rounds of Tachi waza which takedown sparring
The training concluded with our usual 1 hour rolling that we do every Tuesday.
We did rounds of 7 minutes due to the amount of people.
Next week topic will be guard subs.
Please note that every Thursday will be Nogi.
Also, the club will refund half of your entry fee if you want to compete at the Regional Nogi NZ grappling competition which you can already sign up for.
"NZ Grappler’s 2015 NO GI REGIONALS AUCKLAND Tournament will be held Saturday 7th November 2015 at the North Shore Event Centre in North Shore Auckland. Both adults and kids will compete on the same day. Brackets will be run as double elimination, including Masters divisions! Early registration fee is $50 for kids, and $60 for adults. 1st place winners from the BJJ GI NATIONALS will receive $10 discount off this tournament registration if they apply promo code “winner” on their online registration."
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